As time moves forward, I’ll layer in resources, products, websites, books, etc.
My goal is to create a hub of information that is “complete”, while also evolving as time moves forward, new information comes on the scene, I change my mind about something, etc.
(I secretly wish and hope that my own website evolves to be good enough to be included within this list. Oh, to dream!)
For now, here’s what we have to start with!
Great Website Resources and Recipes
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AllDayIDreamAboutFood.comThe way I see it, I didn’t choose the low carb lifestyle, it chose me. After being diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my third pregnancy, I began watching my carb intake. And when the diabetes decided to stick around, I refused to give up my lifelong passion for baking and cooking. I just had to find new ways to do it. To my delight, I have discovered that with a little ingenuity and some perseverance, many high carb recipes can be made over into low carb treats without sacrificing flavor. I’ve had quite a bit of success, with a few outright failures thrown in to keep me humble. |
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Beauty and the FoodieHi, my name is Stacey and I’m a licensed cosmetologist, certified colorist, and a color correction specialist. I majored in nutrition, in college during the 80’s, and learned the wrong way to eat. I am a food lover, with an intense wheat allergy (Celiac Disease), that follows a grain free and low carb diet. I am somewhat paleoish, but lean more toward low carb primal (I do use some organic dairy products). I am learning to cook and bake grain free and low carb recipes to stay healthy. Eating this way has really changed my life and my body. I’m 51, and have tried every kind of diet out there, and this one has given me the very best results without being hungry. I would like to share my favorite recipe creations with everyone. |
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CarbSmart.comCarbSmart is your trusted guide to the low carb lifestyle. We provide the resources to help our readers make informed decisions so they can improve their health and happiness. |
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DietDoctor.comDedicated to rooting out the low fat insanity behind the obesity epidemic. Eat real food and improve your health. |
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Ditch The CarbsHave you struggled with weight loss all your life? Do you have an appetite you just cannot turn off? Have you tried every diet and exercised relentlessly to never see any changes? Do you have diabetes, coeliac, PCOS, or allergies? Low carb/LCHF will help every single one of you. There has never been a better time for you to start low carb than today. Ditch The Carbs is about teaching you, inspiring you and supporting you. You will learn why you need to start low carb and sugar free, why it is so healthy, nutritious and beneficial. You will lose weight, gain nutrition and improve your health. You can do this and you will be successful. |
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Ditch The WheatI’m Carol, Editor-in-Chief & owner of Ditch The Wheat, a blog devoted to low carb, gluten free, dairy free recipes and health topics. I love providing you with weekly recipes that are sure to be delicious and meet your lifestyle goals. On top of that, I often explore current health topics that would be of interest to you. I want to make you think about your health and make informed decisions. I do this by reviewing books, bringing the “conversation” to you here on the blog, through the newsletter, on Facebook, & Twitter. |
![]() | just stick with simple recipes, lots of veggies and salads and I drink nearly a gallon of water per day. I really like eating low carb. Even though I’ve lost 50 pounds and have reached my ideal weight, I will eat this way for the rest of my life. There is enough nutrition and variety to this way of eating that I can’t even think of going back to eating bread, pasta, rice and such. To me they are just filler and not necessary to a satisfying meal. When I do occasionally have a treat, I ask myself if the thing is good enough to risk gaining a little weight or if it’s just not that good. Very few things are worth the indulgence if you really think about it. You’ll also find, after you’ve been on this diet for awhile, that foods you thought you could never live without really don’t taste all that good anymore. |
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GinnysLowCarbKitchen.BlogSpot.comMy kitchen has been a place where I love to be, cooking up new low carb creations, trying out others’ creations, and enjoying the results. Sometimes I’ve had some flops, but I’ve learned from them, and I search to find ways I can take some of my best Pre-diabetic recipes and make them low carb so I can still enjoy good foods and lots of variety to keep this way of eating interesting. I hope all who come here will enjoy the recipes! |
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Grass Fed GirlCaitlin Weeks BA, NC, CPT is a full time blogger and author of 4 cookbooks including Mediterranean Paleo Cooking. She has many years of experience as a Certified Nutrition Consultant, C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coach, and professional personal trainer in San Francisco, CA. Caitlin has had success conquering obesity after a lifelong struggle with her weight. Since 2009 she has been winning the battle against Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis using a Paleo diet. She truly believes in the mind-body connection for healing and is certified EFT practitioner. She is committed to educating others about the benefits of traditional/ancestral foods and efficient exercise. She has a new found passion of ridding her home and personal care products of chemical by replacing them with essential oils. In 2015 She moved back to Nashville, her hometown to be near her family and is loving spreading health and wellness in the Southeast. |
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HealthyIndulgences.netI make tasty desserts without sugar… and flour… and gluten. What’s left? Check out Healthy Indulgences Blog to find out! |
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HealthyLivingHowTo.comHello, my name is Vanessa and I’d like to welcome you to Healthy Living How To. This website is dedicated to inspiring you to live healthy in mind, body and spirit in an unhealthy world. Get started by reading my article, 10 Things You Can Do Today, it is the foundation on which I build my own health upon. |
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HealthyLowCarbLiving.comMy name is Amy, and I’ll start of by saying right up front that I’m nobody special. I’m just a regular person, likely just like you. I have those hairy days when I put my pantyhose on inside out, struggle to find my keys, diaper the cat, and pay the bills with a crayon. I’ve had the same kind of struggles with weight gain and health as most people that will read this website. My purpose in starting this website, so many years ago, was so that I could vent my frustrations, celebrate my victories, keep myself accountable, occasionally unleash my inner moron, and just journal the whole crazy experience. |
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IBreatheImHungry.comWhen I started really applying myself to creating interesting and delicious low carb recipes, the response was amazing. I found out quickly that you guys had the same problem I did! So many of you had been having trouble sticking with a low carb plan, even though it was working, because you were bored with the food. That motivated me to keep experimenting, and here I am one year (and almost 5 million page views) later – 40lbs down, author of The Gluten Free Low Carber, and a proud member of the low carb blogging community. |
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Kalyn’s KitchenMy blog features Creative Recipes for Carb-Conscious Living and no matter what your reasons are for limiting carbs or following a certain way of eating, I hope you can find recipes here to help. Most recipes on this site are low-carb, gluten-free and low-glycemic or South Beach Diet friendly, and some are also Keto, dairy-free, Paleo, Whole 30, meatless, or vegan. |
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KetoDietApp.comI changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food. |
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KetoDiet.comKeto App – Discover the best keto recipes, articles and guides to inspire your low carb lifestyle! Free – No subscriptions – No in apps |
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Keto in PearlsHi! I’m Anna and I’m so happy you stopped by! I wish you could sit on my front porch, have a glass of iced tea with me, and talk all things keto! I’m a stay-at-home mom with a picky husband and hungry kids to feed. It truly does take a village when you’re in the trenches of motherhood! That’s why all of my recipes are family friendly and kid approved. If my husband and kids don’t like something, it doesn’t make it onto my blog! |
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LivinLaVidaLowCarb.comJimmy is dedicated to helping as many people as possible find the information they need to make the kind of lifestyle change he has made. To that end, he has started a blog and a number of web-sites to get out the message of lifestyle change and healthy living. Here you will find links to Jimmy’s blog, his YouTube videos and all of the websites he contributes to. |
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Low Carb MavenWelcome to my low carb recipe blog. I’m Kim. I’m the creative force behind Low Carb Maven where you’ll find great low carb recipes to nourish you and your family. Do you follow a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) or Ketogenic diet? Are you interested in gluten-free cooking or reducing your sugar intake? You’ll find recipes here to help you reach your goals whether they be fitness, dietary, health related, or just getting dinner on the table. Almost all recipes are diabetic friendly. I’ve cooked this way since 2009 and LOVE it! Meals are prepared from scratch using wholesome ingredients but I’m not above using convenience items – I’m busy just like you! My posts include tips, helpful cooking techniques and honest opinions of the cook books and products I’m sent to review. Sharing information for everyone’s benefit makes me happy. I believe the mastery of a few basic skills and foundation recipes leads to greater confidence and creativity in the kitchen. I hope these recipes inspire your own meal creativity and result in you accomplishing your goals – whatever they may be. |
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Low Carb YumWelcome! I’m Lisa MarcAurele, the owner and founder of Low Carb Yum. I created this website back in 2010 as a way to save low carb recipes and share them with others. The site was originally called Sugar Free Low Carb Recipes. But I changed the name to Low Carb Yum in 2015 as the original name was just too long! |
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Low Carb ZenLow Carb Zen is essentially a Low Carb notebook maintained by Dixie Vogel, former owner of the LowCarbEating website. Emphasis is on low carb cooking since that’s at the heart of any healthy, sustainable low carb lifestyle. For the record: I am NOT a doctor or nurse or dietician, nor medical professional of any kind. I don’t give medical advice. I’m a formerly fat chick who found a better option. That’s it. |
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MariaHealth.BlogSpot.comHer blog includes an unique combination of innovative recipes using alternative ingredients (and bacon) to less healthy options and easy to understand explanations of why these options are better for our health. She includes with each recipe a snip-it of information about different ailments and problems with our health that can be healed with proper nutrition. She has a passion for helping people start a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss is often a side effect of helping treat any number of problems including diabetes, cholesterol issues, alopecia, hashimoto’s, autoimmune diseases and much more. |
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MarksDailyApple.comThis website will show you how to take control of your health. You’ll learn exactly what to eat and how to exercise to get the leanest, strongest, healthiest body with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice possible. This is not an exaggeration. |
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Meat Free KetoIt’s becoming more frequent that you hear someone say, “I’m on a vegan ketogenic diet!” While low carb diets are often scorned in the high carb low fat vegan community – after all, low carbers only eat meat, and carbs make the world turn round, it seems that vegan ketogenic diets and plant-based low carbohydrate diets are becoming increasingly popular. Liz is a certified holistic Nutrition Consultant specializing in whole food diets, food allergies/intolerances, special diets, and nutritional support for digestive health. She has a Bachelor’s from McGill University, and a certificate in holistic nutrition from Bauman College, as well as a certificate in Ayurveda from the National Library of Ayurveda Medicine in India. She has worked as a Healthy Eating Specialist and Marketing Team Leader for Whole Foods Market, and now works with people to improve their health, diets and quality of life through holistic nutrition and an ancestral health approach to life. |
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PeaceLoveAndLowCarb.comMy name is Kyndra Holley. I live just outside of Seattle, Wa. I have lost nearly 60 pounds through a low carb/primal diet and regular exercise. I am currently studying to become a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Blogging allows me to combine several passions in one little tiny corner of cyberspace… Cooking, fitness, writing, photography. I am a firm believer in the weight loss potential and health benefits of a low carb way of life. I have used my many years in the restaurant industry and my passion for cooking to create an ever changing menu for myself, as well as for you. Many say that “Variety is the spice of life” I say variety is the key to staying on plan. I hope you enjoy what you see here and benefit from it… Peace, Love, and Low Carb |
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Ruled.MeWe hear you. You want to live a healthy lifestyle, you’ve done your research, and the keto diet is the best fit for your needs. But who has time to spend hours on search engines and at the bookstore to find what you’re looking for? Here at, we truly believe in what keto is about (and the science that backs it). From recipes to accurate info to all the support you need, is your one-stop resource for a smooth transition to the ketogenic diet. The path to a healthier lifestyle has never been paved with dragging feet. Our aim is simple: we want to make keto as approachable and – dare we say it – as fun as possible. We’re here to motivate you as you explore delicious recipes to continue enjoying the food you cook, applaud your weight loss successes big and small, and give you a factual approach to make keto a sustainable approach to your journey. |
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Sugar Free MomSugar-Free Mom is a woman on a mission to remove unnatural forms of sugar in her families lives. She focuses on using natural sugars and natural sugar free substitutes to create healthier versions of popular and beloved recipes. Since 2011, her blog has become the most popular sugar-free source on the web today. She has a devoted following of those looking to simply reduce sugar consumption, many who follow a low carb diet and many who have multiple allergies. Her readers can identify with her as her own children have tree nut, peanut, and soy allergies and she herself has a gluten and dairy intolerance. She is a mom who had to give up sugar, but still wants chocolate working hard to maintain her weight loss. With her 3 children who keep her very busy she strives to balance it all and still provide healthy, homemade meals that don’t require too much time in the kitchen. Her cookbook, Sugar-Free Mom, Naturally Sweet & Sugar-Free Recipes for the Whole Family is available now for order, released on December 9, 2014. This book is a wonderful beginners guide to going sugar free with over 100 family friendly recipes. |
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The Castaway KitchenCaptain of this Wellness Rebellion ~ Hey There! I’m Cristina and I believe that you can heal your body through food! After living with a painful autoimmune disease and obesity most of my life, I said enough! I jumped head first into the world of ancestral health, and learned how to optimize my diet to get the most out of life! |
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WheatBellyBlog.comWho had the audacity to write such an against-the-grain book exposing “healthy whole grains” for the incredibly destructive genetic monsters they’ve become? That’s me, Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and seeker-of-truth in health. Over 80% of the people I meet today are pre-diabetic or diabetic. In an effort to reduce blood sugar, I asked patients to remove all wheat products from their diet based on the simple fact that, with few exceptions, foods made of wheat flour raise blood sugar higher than nearly all other foods. |
Where to Buy Stuff
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Netrition.comThis website sells a variety of health related products, from vitamins to workout aids. However, where they really shine is in their low carb products department. The ratings are honest and accurate. Read through the customer comments. I’ve also seen them investigate products and remove them from their inventory, if they don’t stack up to their claims. It’s a business with integrity. The stuff they claim is good … is actually good, too! |
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Amazon.comIf you’re a human, chances are, you’ve heard of I almost feel silly listing it, here. However, it never occured to me to look for low carb products within their massive website. Only recently have I started to buy low carb products from them. They’ve often got great prices and a huge selection! Recommended as a place to look (if it hadn’t occured to you, much like it hadn’t for me). |
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iHerb.comOne other place I tend to buy stuff from is I like how they present their supplements. They’re quick to send them and I’ve always had good service. At minimum, take a multi-vitamin and some kind of Omega 3. Shop around for a good one, with good ratings and a decent cost. That said … it’s tough to put a price on health. It’s all you’ve really got! |
First time to your new website. I’m so happy that you’re BACK!! BACK!!! YOU’RE BACK!!!
Thank you for the links to other resources to helps us on our way to a healthier, longer, more vibrant life. I’ve heard of a handful, but certainly not all.
I think I’ll spend my lunch hour tooling around the web-o-sphere.
Thank you, Cheryl! Yes, please let me know what you find out. Enjoy your lunch! 😀
Thank you for these resources! Today is my first visit to the new website. Seems great so far. Easy to navigate and lots of information to find.
Welcome, Terry! Let me know if you have any questions. I’m here to help!
I had given up hope that we would ever again receive an email, but this explains your absence and it was/is well worth the wait. I love the new additions and the “standards”: the macro’s are nice for people who do that; the combination of regular descriptions of ingredients (for instance: “one large carrot”) then supplemented with the gram weight for those of us who need to weigh items; the number of portions both numerically AND in actual size (grams, whatever); the photos; the charming and witty commentary, the resources recommendations.
I’ve only skimmed the site, but I will be going back for more.
One thing that will be helpful to me (because I own hundreds of cookbooks and feel compelled to find the perfect food pairings with entrees, and because I’ve gotten too lazy to go through all of them for each meal), it would be wonderful if you could suggest one or two sides to go with the entrees.
Another thing if you have time or inclination (but I understand if you don’t): offer substitutions for CILANTRO and SPINACH in your recipes. My husband is deathly allergic to spinach. And we both have that gene (chromosome?) that makes cilantro taste like soap. In the event there is no appropriate substitution, say that so we won’t attempt to make the recipe. I realize that’s asking more than you have time to do, but I thought I’d ask anyway.
I still love and use your big cookbook. In fact, the cover has fallen off. Perhaps your next cookbook (or reissue of the big one) could be done in paperback.
Thank you so much for your delicious recipes, delightful website, and genuine concern for your followers.
Hi Carole! Thank you for the kind words!
In terms of spinach … it likely varies from recipe to recipe, but there are a myriad of other greens out there. If it’s a spinach salad, you could likely swap it for a baby greens, arugula, or a mix. For cooked spinach, maybe substitute something like chard?
Cilantro is tougher, in that I can’t think of anything comparable, short off a bar of soap. You COULD just leave it out and trust that the rest of the ingredients will still taste nice on their own. In Mexican recipes you could use like a Mexican oregano (or regular oregano). Maybe cut the amount in half. It’s not the same, but at least you’ll get some extra character. In more Asian themed recipes … maybe a mixture of mint and/or basil? Again … better to go light, so as not to overpower.
There’s also parsley, so you can get the nice color without an overwhelming blast of taste.
If you have a farmer’s market, you may be able to talk to a local farmer or find something unique. There are some fairly exotic herbs out there that are hard to find, but with a bit of sleuthing you may be able to find a rare exotic organic herb to fit the bill.
I do wish I could comment on each and every recipe, but the scope of allergies is huge. Each recipe would just be a list of exceptions and substitutions! 😉
Sides… typically when I design a recipe, I have some sides in mind and usually mention them. If I don’t, it’s because sides aren’t really necessary. Then, there are times where it’s a recipe like a roasted chicken or grilled steak. Those are so neutral, where anything is a nice match.
All this said, another thing on my list is to add a “things like this” and a “suggestions” plug in. That should help. Beyond that … noted! I’ll try and do a better job of making suggestions.
Finally … My hope is that your book cover fell off due to intense use. If it was a problem with the glue … please email me and we can sort something out. There was a known problem in one of the prints several years ago … That said, my hope is just the book was loved so much the cover fell off!
Thank you for your kind words! <3
Hi DJ…….so glad you’re back. Love ya!
Back at’cha! 😉
I love the new website! I’ll definitely be spending lots of time checking it out, but at a quick look around I love it! Love to see that “AllDayIDreamAboutFood” is at the top of the Recommendations/Resource list as you and her are my absolute favourites. OK OK I know she’s at the top because the list is alphabetical. You’ve done a wonderful job!
She’s at the top because she’s awesome. Let’s assume for arguments sake that the alphabet’s alphabetical order is strictly coincidental! 😉
Thank you for the kind words!
Hi DJ! I am 62 and spent 50 years of my life loosing 10 to 20 lbs. each year. I purchased your books a few months before they were ready to send and read the pdf’s immediately. Your story totally resonated with me , being a huge foodie myself. At 15 yrs old my first diet was Atkins. Soooo, that being said, I got the whole carb thing. Since your books and committing to the low carb lifestyle, I stay pretty much the same weight all the time. It’s awesome! I have always loved to create new recipes and food. That being said, you have inspired me to a whole new world of baking. Awhile back you mentioned allulose as a promising sweetener. That has been life changing. The ice cream, brownies and hot fudge that I have made are incredible! Friends who are not low carbers love it and can’t believe they are low carb! I have hooked five people up with your books who love them as well!! Keep up the great work! I am so appreciative of all of your insight and research. Love the new web sight. Been playing with it tonight and it’s just great!!! Thanks so much!!!
HUZZAH!!! Thank you for all the kind words and success! (as well as the recommendations to friends!) Yep, I’ve been playing with Allulose quite a bit (almost out, in fact). I’m a bit torn on it, to be honest. There’s a very faint bitter twang to it that I don’t like. It’s fine as a background sweetener, but I don’t like it front and center. That said, its COOKING properties are fantastic! It browns and gets gummy and chewy. Behaviorally, it’s very much like working with regular sugar again. I need to work it into a blend so that I get a better taste while maintaining enough of the behavior so that it’s still pleasant to work with. I’m thrilled it’s working for you, though. Keep up the good work! 😀
Hi! I would like to know if you have any recommendations to modify recipes, especially baking-type, for higher altitudes! I live at 5,000+ feet and find that my baking just doesn’t come out very good!. I tried to use the standard changes that I would make for my non-veto (gluten & flour and yeast) recipes and it still didn’t make the grade! Have you any advice? I would appreciate anything you can offer in the way of help!
Thank You!
Hi Louise, unfortunately, it’s difficult for me to comment on this. I bounce between Cabo, MX and Seattle, WA. Both are essentially at sea level. I have no practical experience faking at high altitudes.
Here are great notes from
Here are notes specific to gluten/grain-free baking from the great Kelly Bejelly:
Kelly’s notes are very similar. It also sounds like you’ve already tried all of this and come up a bit lackluster. The issue, I would assume, is that without gluten, everything you’re baking rises too quickly, or higher than its internal structure will allow, resulting in everything collapsing back into itself … for a bit of a flat dense disappointment. My best suggestion would be to add a touch of xanthan gum to your baked goods. Add between 1/4 tsp to 2 tsp of xanthan gum per cup of grain-free flour to help it hold its shape. I’d start with about 1 tsp per and adjust up or down based on your experiments. I’d also look into gluten-replacers to see if you have other potential favorites, like pysllium husk or glucomannan.
Ultimately, my best guess is your problem is the structure is weak. Maybe add an egg, as well. Beef up the structure and you’ll probably be happier with the results.
I hope this helps!
Dear DJ, YAY you’re back and <3 how, I missed you!!! I have poked about on this new site as requested and have done so on both laptop (??), phone (wiko – android) and tablet (ASUS) and have found little to no issues as yet. I have searched my two fave off the top of my head recipes (Salisbury steak and chicken puttanesca) on all three with the following results:
PC: quick to open, good response to clicking on links and very clear pleasant layout overall
Phone: when I opened your site via a recipe link in the email I got a half page screen filling which was not good but on repeat the error did not reoccur. When I read your mail on my phone though, all is quite tiny but is legible when tipping to the side. When opening from a browser there were no issues at all, opening quickly and screen filling.
Tablet: there seemed to be a slower site load when opening (5 seconds opposed to the others'max 3) but everything fit the format perfectly.
I have tested leaving comments which works but if there are a load of comments already you need to scroll all the way to the end to leave one of your own…maybe add a 'leave a comment' option under the recipe??
I also followed the book page, clicked on The Fakery – grab it now – link which led immediately to a clear sale environment where I filled in a USA zip-code (yay internet search giant who shall not be named 😉 ) and was led smoothly to an address and payment pop-up where I bailed out… all looked clear as a bell.
Thank you for the keto macro buttons under the recipes, I LOVE THEM!! I always have a hard time and a mush brain for figuring these things out so end up winging it so for me they are ideal <3
Thanks for all your hard work, it looks and works awesomely!! Greetings from dreary cold Amsterdam, as always 🙂
Hi Nikki! Thank you! Good to be back (again!) 😉 …
All sounds good. I know there are things I can do to speed up the site. I created a lot of “debris” when building it, which I can and will clean up. It’s on the list.
The big issue you mentioned was the newsletter itself, which I had actually revamped on my computer, but when I went to add it to MailChimp, I’d realized that what I’d built wasn’t perfectly compatible with MailChimp and I didn’t have time to fix it. The next one will likely be similarly small, but then I’ll hopefully have time to squeeze in the new newsletter template (with a larger/darker font).
As to the wonky page loading … ? Hopefully that was just a random anomaly!
There’s no doubt I’ve got my work still cut out for me, but … ON IT! 😀 ❤
I will surely visit these wonderful sites! Thanks for sharing!
Love the new look of the website! Thank you for all you do to help others!
Thank you for the kind words. My absolute pleasure!
I tried to down load your books, but couldn’t. I’m happy to say you refunded almost immediately. I’m going to try some of the recipes first before buying the hard copies of your books. They sound delicious. I just have to assemble ingredients first. Thank you for sending the refund so quickly. I can’t wait to start cooking your way.