Books & Recipes (Paleo Bread, Black Pepper Beef & Mocha Sorbet!)

Book Update!

I’ve had a lot of people ask me about my upcoming book. For some of you newer folks, in November, I casually suggested I was working on it and was attempting to have it ready by New Years.


To make a long story short, I’d initially planned on releasing my book as eBook. Being that I’m an online blog, it just seemed like a natural extension of what I do. However, when I started showing pieces of it to people, comments started fluttering in that … I should turn it into an actual BOOK book. I informally asked my Facebook page who suggested that they also prefer a book they can dog-ear, dribble bacon grease on and use and appreciate, year and after year. People actually began getting nostalgic as they described the love, scent and the history of their actual, physical, printed on paper cookbooks.

Let’s just say … I got the message. Ask and ye shall receive!

I’m currently working to turn it into an actual printed book (along with an eBook), but it required I shift gears. At this point, I’m learning loads about the process every day. Creating a nice eBook was well within my grasp, but printing a book is a different animal. It IS really interesting, though … I’ve got to say! Fascinating, even!

Without giving away too much … I am working on it, I’m very proud of what I’ve assembled and as soon as I have something concrete and unchanging … you will all be the first to know! 😉


Before I get into more literary and culinary goodness, I want to introduce a cool company that focuses on awesome products. I’ve looked through their catalogues and have seen some incredible products, such as chia, nut butters, sunflower seeds, various super quality fats and oils and much much more!

They’re hosting a giveaway on my website. Enter for a chance to win $100 gift certificate on my my giveaway page.

Enter for a chance to win $100 for any of their products!


While it’s incredibly exciting to me, every time I get an email or question about my upcoming book, I shouldn’t ignore the fact that I’ve already got some actual published works out there …

As you all most likely know I’m a member of the Low Carbing Among Friends cookbook authoring team. I contributed 36 recipes to their our 5th book, PLUS it’s my coconut cream pie that they selected as their cover image! After months and months of waiting for it … IT HAS ARRIVED!

I can’t begin to describe how amazing it felt when Jennifer Eloff sent me an email inviting me to join the team. I IMMEDIATELY set out to pick my absolute best and most popular recipes for this book. I’m really proud of the results. So far, I’ve heard NOTHING but positive feedback on, not just my recipes, but the whole book. In fact, I personally own all 5 books.

It’s a bit of a challenge to review a series of books that I’m a member of (Hint: they’re awesome … the best things out there!).

So … I’ll just say this:

There are over 1400 recipes between the 5 books. They are from a wide variety of authors, from people that are just like you and I, on up to TV stars and bestselling authors (who … in all likelihood consider themselves just like you and I. I’ve found all the team members to be approachable and incredibly quality people!). The books span every possible recipe type, from the complex and exotic, to the simple, quick and tasty. There’s no stone left unturned. They are tight, well edited and perfectly tuned books for anyone following a low-carb way of life, even at induction levels. While obviously, I suggest picking up the 5th book … you really can’t go wrong with any or all of them!


Here’s another interesting entry into my online travels. Well over a year ago, I stumbled into the world of Kyndra Holley. I found her through Facebook and really admired what she was all about. If you check out my Facebook page, one of the very first posts was a post about her and her approach towards funding a cookbook she was authoring. I was immediately impressed by her and … 18 months later … I still am!

Our paths actually crossed about 8 or so months ago. We were both on the Low Carbing Among friends team and seem to share a similar style and philosophy of food. We both realized we lived in the Seattle area and had lunch! Fast friends … loads of inside jokes and a full blown shared passion for tasty grub.

In November, Kyndra sent me an email and asked me if I’d write the foreword for her upcoming book! As much as Kyndra and I are friends, I still look WAY up to her ability to “blog” … meaning … her ability to communicate and engage her audience, her ability to organize her time and put out quality books, her ability to cook and write about wonderfully comforting food, etc. She, like so many that I’m involved with, is one of those bloggers whom I secretly work to emulate (don’t tell Kyndra!).

Let’s just say … I put my own little spin on it, of course!

When I got her email … I was speechless. I actually tried to talk her out of it! I didn’t feel worthy!

Ultimately, I DID write the foreword and … really love what I put together for her second book.

Kyndra’s second book is available as a bright and colorful eBook! Aside from my eloquent silliness, there are 30 well photographed recipes (2 vibrant photos per recipe), all dedicated to Slow Cooker Soups and Stews (which is ironic, in that it’s a loosely known fact that I’m lousy with a slow cooker).

My own mother bought the book and made the chili, which, based on the recommendations of my father … added a bunch of chilies. Apparently, it was amazing … AND SPICY!

Seeing as it’s the dead of winter in my neck of the woods, I suspect it’s possible that it’s cold wherever you are, as well! If you’re looking for a nice little eBook, with a spectacular list of warm winter soups … look no further!

More Guest Posts!

I’ve also got 3 new recipes out there, floating around. Click to go read them … and enjoy them!

Almond Paleo Bread

Black Pepper Beef and Broccolini


Finally, I want to just come right about and say that this email is loaded with “affiliate links”. That means that if you make a purchase based on this email, I make a small percentage of that sale. I don’t want to hide behind secret links. Rather it’s my hope that you appreciate my position and choose to support me. I’m by no means living off the proceeds of the blog, but little percentages here and there go to help to pay for things like ingredients, the website and just generally running things around this place.

In any event, if there is anything that I can promise you … very sincerely … it’s that even if I were to remove the affiliate links … I wouldn’t change a word.

Thank you all and … we’ll be chatting soon!


STANDARD FTC DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please note, I only ever endorse products that are in alignment with my ideals and I believe would be of value to my readers.

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