Servings: 1 Prep: 5 mins Cook: 0 mins Total: 5 mins
This tasty beverage falls somewhere between a snack, a drink, a dessert and a fat bomb. What’s a fat bomb? Well … it’s a recipe containing a high quantity of fat!
This dairy-free treat is loaded with quality fats, from the cocoa powder to the coconut milk to the macadamia nuts. These fats will help you feel satisfied and “full” far longer than any non-fat, sugary shake you’ll find. This cool and flavorful flurry of tastiness will quench, delight and satisfy!
This, I realize, is contrary to what most of us have been told for the majority of our lives, but … fat is awesome! Not all fats, mind you, but … GOOD fats are GOOD!
Good fats come in the form of: olive, flaxseed, palm, avocado, coconut and other nut oils. Animal fats are also quite healthy: butter, ghee, lard, tallow, poultry fats, etc.
Bad fats come in the form of: margarine, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, manmade trans-fats often found in things like butter flavored “spreads”. Other highly processed oils like canola, corn, vegetable and soybean should be avoided.
Here’s a list of 10 reasons why fat rocks:
- Your brain is made of primarily fat and cholesterol. Starving your brain of fat removes its ability to function properly. Fat can remove “brain fog” and increase clarity.
- Improves cardiovascular system. Reduces lipoprotein (a) and increases HDL cholesterol and the HDL:TC ratio, while leaving LDL mostly unchanged.
- Contributes to weight loss.
- No storing of excess fat in the liver. Will also help protect the liver from booze and some medications.
- Healthy fats provide quality energy. Fat is the densest form of energy, at 9 calories per gram (more than double carbohydrates or protein)
- Increases sense of satiety, especially within a diet comprised of few simple sugars. A small fat bomb can satisfy for several hours. Because of this satiety, overeating “fat” becomes uncomfortable and unlikely.
- Builds stronger bones. Saturated animal fats help calcium more effectively be incorporated into bone. No osteoporosis fears!
- Quality nerve signaling. Many fats function as signaling messengers which influence metabolism, including the release of insulin.
- Boost immune system health. Fight against cancerous cells and infectious invaders!
- Fat helps the absorption of the nutrients in other foods, such as leafy greens.
- One more: fat is flavor!
Drink up!
Toppings Note: I cheated when I made this. It’s a dairy free beverage, but in the heat of the moment, I grabbed some cream, whipped it and topped the glass with sweetened whipped cream and some toasted coconut and macadamia. That’s just the wrong topping, in my opinion. Whoops! Haste makes waste! In any event, you can make a lovely whipped topping with coconut milk. Here’s how!

Coconut-Cocoa-Macadamia Smoothie
Print RateIngredients
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
- 2 tbsp crushed salted macadamia nuts
- 2 tbsp 'Swerve' or other sugar replacement
- 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 dash salt
- Blend the ingredients in a blender until smooth and yummy. Top with whipped coconut cream, toasted coconut and macadamia nuts. Enjoy!
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* Learn More: More about this recipe and nutrition …
The carb count seems pretty high for that.
Hi Danna, I think you’re looking at the wrong column. The total is about 8 net carbs per large serving, with most of the carbs coming from the coconut milk. If you click the link on the coconut milk, you can see the nutrition information matches. The larger numbers you see are for the erythritol, which is subtracted out of the "net" carbs column. Sorry for the confusion, but I try and offer all the information. I show all carbs, fiber, sugar alcohols … then finally "net" carbs in the last column. If you still feel the carb count is too high, you could use almond milk, which would drop this to about 3 net carbs. I hope this helps!
I just made this, substituted unsweetened almond milk, and crushed roasted salted almonds, I think I just found my summer smoothie drink! AWESOME…carb count down to 3!
Yep, that’ll do it! Perfect! Thanks for the thought, Debbie! 🙂
DJ, Do you make your own coconut milk? I have purchased a can of it but haven’t used it yet. I have purchased unsweetened coconut milk in the carton. I like the homemade better but then I haven’t tried the canned stuff yet.
Let me know…
thanks very much,
Hi Susan, I made coconut milk as a kid a few times, but haven’t made it in probably 15 or 20 years. I DO LOVE it, but it’s messy to make and … I’m capable of being lazy … and cans are so much easier to open!
I just found your blog, and noticed there’s a lot of dairy free things on it, which is fine, but I like my milk. Can I just do a straight substitution using whole milk instead of coconut or almond milk?
Hi Michelle, yep! In this case, I’d recommend a blend of cream and milk, simply because you’ll want to keep some of the "body" that the coconut milk brings to the table.
I add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to this and make it a meal, usually for breakfast. I get my 30+ grams of protein and it’s delicious!
Lisa, I’ll bet! 🙂 Look at my pumpkin smoothie …
You could substitute Blue Diamond Unsweetened Almond Coconut Breeze Milk. Only 2 carbs for a cup instead of the 6 net carbs listed in the recipe.
Becky, that’s true! You could also use just almond milk, or even water. I’m happy with whatever substitutions people make. I see recipes as guides and sources of inspiration. Short of some baking ratios which are essentially required ingredients and steps … everything else can be modified to adjust to tastes or dietary needs. Thanks for pointing out a nice alternative! 🙂
I just made this–my first smoothie ever. Amazingly good! Refreshing and satisfying!
Yay, Rosemary! 🙂
Thanks so much for the recipe…I enjoy all of your postings..But especially thanks for the information about good fats….Learning all I can in order to improve my health…Am low carb and gluten free too..Over the years have lost almost 100 pounds total and kept it off..Still working to lose about 20 more pounds, but could not have sustained what I have lost without low carb!! Thanks so much for all your info and wonderful recipes.
Unknown … that’s about my story, as well! I’m glad it’s helping!
Sounds delicious. What about adding unflavored whey protein?
Mary Jo, I don’t see why not! If you’re needing to add protein, this would be a great vehicle for it.
Someone posted this info on a group on FB and I immediately recognized your photo, because I have this recipe on my Pinterest page. THere is no credit to you for the picture, which I think is rather cheeky of them. Might be worth checking out and finding out what is going on !
Thanks, BB! I appreciate it. Honestly … I pretty rarely stress these things. I can run around and worry, or I can just take it as a compliment and move on. I posted a comment letting them know that backlinks are customary. We’ll see if they allow my comment. In any event … thanks for watching my back! 🙂
This looks wonderful, but does it really have 36.11g of carbs, or am I reading that incorrectly?
—Reply posted by on 3/7/2015
Your’re right. I didn’t notice he far right column. Thanks for clarifying.
—Reply posted by DJ on 3/6/2015
Hi Kathi, probably a little of both. Yes, it really does have 36.11 carbs, however, most of that is either fiber or the sugar alcohol “erythritol”. Neither of these will impact blood sugars. Once they’re subtracted, you’re left with about 8 “net” or “impact” carbs, which are shown in the far right column. So … my suspicion is, you didn’t notice that far right column. In any event, I hope this clears things up. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks!
When I talley up the net carbs column I get 2.04 not 8.04. Am I missing something?
—Reply posted by DJ on 4/28/2015
Hi Becky, sorry about the delay. A busy time! In any event … I think you’re missing the 6 net carbs in the coconut milk. I hope this clarifies things! :
YUMMO! My family has “milkshake night” on Sunday evenings, and I had not found a suitable replacement (but had been abstaining). This is perfect! Easy and delicious. Thanks for sharing!
—Reply posted by DJ on 4/28/2015
WHOO HOO!! I’m glad you’ve found something that works. Now you can be right at home on Milkshake Night. Perfect! 🙂
I loved this! I thought it was great. Light. Reminded me a little of Wendy’s frosty in terms of texture. I used Stevia, and forgot to add the salt. I would make it again for sure.
—Reply posted by Paleo Moxie on 7/11/2015
I believe it is! Can’t believe I forgot. I will def try it again sometime with salt and let ya know! 🙂
—Reply posted by Paleo Moxie on 7/11/2015
I believe it is! Can’t believe I forgot. I will def try it again sometime with salt and let ya know! 🙂
—Reply posted by DJ on 6/28/2015
I personally feel that the salt is a vital element. It’ll pull all those flavors right out, but … I’m still thrilled you enjoyed it!:)
had it today, very sustaining like you say – one thing are the nuts roasted and salted or raw and salted
thanks in advance, hugh
—Reply posted by Trinity on 5/18/2018
Hugh, if you are doing a LCHF/P or Keto diet, you might want to consider that macadamias have only 3g carbs/100, compared to walnuts which are 7g/100.
—Reply posted by Hugh Davies on 2/20/2018
great, today i had it with almond nuts but now i know the right nuts to buy online,
thanks again for your support – i look forward to having the true recipe soon ! Regards, Hugh
—Reply posted by DJ on 2/20/2018
Hi Hugh, I don’t believe you can find raw salted macadamia nuts. Some of the oils come to the surface when roasted. That, combined with heat helps the salt adhere to the nuts. So … roasted and salted! I find the flavor to be bolder and more charismatic. The heat doesn’t really damage the oils, either. I hope this helps. Glad you enjoyed it!
Hi again DJ Smoothie,
Just looking at alternatives due to cost and supply issues,
If i buy in UK £63 for 1KG
£43 for 10kg (storage problem, rancidity)
Walnuts are £9 for 1 KG. 783 calories v 962 calories in macadamia = 81%. 80g fat v 102g fat in macadamia = 78%
Would need to use 22% more walnuts to make up the difference = 1.98.
In theory Macadamia its £63 per kilo, or walnuts its £11 a kilo.
Am i missing something because that makes macadamias nearly 6 x as costly as macadamias – are they still worth that sort of difference – i am not a millionaire !
Or is it just because i live in “rip off” Britain
Perhaps i should be using walnuts.. how do these stats compare with your own buying costs ?
Thanks again,
—Reply posted by DJ on 2/22/2018
Hi Hugh, I’m not particularly well-versed in the economics of the nut industry. I DO know that Macadamia nuts are expensive, though. Apparently they’re the most expensive nut on earth. They can only grow on trees aged at least roughly 8 years, require incredibly fertile soil and tons of water. All this said, your calculations are fair. Just toss a few more walnuts in there and you’re getting a comparable level of fat, at a discount. You could also use some pecans and drizzle some warm coconut oil or ghee into it, as well. I’m a strong believer in “a recipe is only a guide” and would never suggest there’s only one way or approach. Swapping out ingredients is a good idea for cost, as well as a wider variety of nutrients. I hope this helps!